Charging station - Rompetrol Ișalnița
Charging stations
Charging station - Rompetrol Ișalnița
CHAdeMO DCFC, Mennekes (Type 2), CCS DCFC
Folositi PlugShare pentru check-in / please use PlugShare for check-in Rompetrol Isalnita, ajungi mai departe. Extra slim design. Free Charge universal charger 22kW, (CCS / CHAdeMO and Type 2), Incarca simultan doua autovehicule electrice. Unul pe curent alternativ Type 2 si unul pe curent continuu CCS sau CHAdeMO. Rompetrol Isalnita, go further. Extra slim design. Free Charge universal charger 22kW, (CCS /on CHAdeMO and Type 2). Charges two electric vehicles simultaneously. One on AC Type 2 and one on DC CCS or CHAdeMO.