"Traian Demetrescu" House of Culture
Cultural Centre / Art Gallery
Craiova House of Culture.
In 1991 changed its name to "Traian Demetrescu" House of Culture.
The institution is built in the former house of the Romanian poet Traian Demetrescu.
The house, nationalized in 1950, was converted into a memorial house in 1966 and a cultural center in 1973.
"Traian Demetrescu" House of Culture fulfills the following main objectives:
- organizing artistic, cultural and permanent education activities;
- conserving and transmitting the artistic and technical moral values of the local community, the national and the universal heritage;
- organizing or supporting amateur artistic groups at competitions and festivals;
- organizing or supporting the documentation of temporary exhibitions, the elaboration of monographs and works of civic education and information of the public.
The activity of the "Traian Demetrescu" Cultural House is addressed to all citizens, regardless of their race, nationality, age, gender, ethnicity or religion in order to develop freely and to adapt to major changes within society and general morality norms.
Source: www.tradem.ro
Photo source: www.tradem.ro