Zăval Forest
Protected area
The ROSCI0045 site includes the Zăval Forest natural reserve of botanical interest, a reserve established following the Government Decision no. 2151/2004 regarding the establishment of the protected natural area regime for new areas. The coordinates of the centroid of the Zăval Forest nature reserve are: 230 51'44 "East and 430 49'39" North.
Zăval Forest is a mixed meadow forest, with species of oak, ash and elm (Habitat 91F0). This type of habitat includes hardwood species located in the major riverbed, regularly exposed to flooding during rising water levels, or in low areas, exposed to flooding caused by rising groundwater. These forests develop on recent alluvial deposits. Depending on the water regime, the dominant wood species belong to the genera Fraxinus, Ulmus or Quercus with a well-developed undergrowth. (Gafta et al., 2008 p.71). This type of habitat develops on well-drained soils, remains wet between floods, and the dominance of certain species that characterize this type of habitat depends on the water levels (Fraxinus, Ulmus, Quercus). These forests form mosaics of pioneer forests in the lower areas of the rivers. Riparian forests in Mediterranean areas are dominated by species of Salix (Salix alba, S. fragilis) and various species of poplar. It is a habitat that often appears in conjunction with the Alno-Padion type. Both have a fragmented distribution. The riparian forests along the great rivers of Europe correspond to the Ulmenion minoris alliance which, from a floristic and faunistic point of view, is a very diverse ecosystem.
Much of the Zăval Forest, north of 55A National Road, is occupied by poplar plantations, which most likely replaced the habitat-specific species. In the southern part, however, there is an area of riparian forest in very good state of conservation. The forest is crossed by several water canals that have a temporary status. The ash trees and oak trees in the Zăval Forest have an estimated age of over 80 years. Towards the central area of the forest you can see a colony of grey herons.
Source: www.coridoruljiului.ro