"Football Olympics" and "I at the Museum", soulful projects of Dolj County Council for the county children

"Football Olympics" and "I at the Museum", soulful projects of Dolj County Council for the county children

Dolj County Council demonstrates once again how administration is done with #involvement and #soul. And, because these two always make a difference, the institution will start very important projects for children in the county. These are projects related to culture and sports, which aim to encourage children in schools to follow their passions, but also to know their history. The two projects are entitled "Football Olympics" and "I at the Museum".

„The first of them, the "Football Olympics", involves the organization of a competition to which all schools in the county will have access. The approach will be carried out through the County Sports Club Știința «U» Craiova, an institution that is under our subordination and with the help of which we wanted to continue the tradition in Oltenia of the king sport and to create a nursery for Craiova football. The "Football Olympics" aims to reach every locality in Dolj, the project addressing the students from the 5th - 8th grades ", declared the president of the Dolj County Council, Cosmin Vasile.

Within this project, equipment and balls will be purchased, which will be offered by the county authority to the registered schools, the total estimated costs being 250,000 lei.

"The competition will take place by distributing the teams in the six areas in which we divided Dolj, in order not to have large trips between localities. In the autumn, the six winners will compete in the final stage on the sports base that the County Council has in subordination near Craiova International Airport", detailed the president of Dolj County Council, who also mentioned that the institution will encourage other sports, not only football. 

The second project, "I at the Museum", is addressed to 6th and 7th grade students from Dolj, who will benefit from a program of thematic visits to the museum institutions subordinated to Dolj County Council - Art Museum and the 3 sections of the Oltenia Museum: History-Archeology, Natural Sciences and Ethnography.

„Through the "EU at the Museum" program, students will be invited by the County Council to spend a day at the museums in Craiova, and we will provide free access to these institutions and a brochure with the necessary information. For students coming from outside the city we will offer, also free of charge, transport and a meal at the Restaurant «Flora». There are 10,400 children that we want to involve in this endeavor, and the estimated budget for the program is 400,000 lei, funds that we will provide from our own budget ", said Cosmin Vasile. 

The institution thus gives a public administration lesson made for citizens and especially for involvement in education, be it sports or cultural. Certainly, the little ones from Dolj will enjoy these projects designed for them, which will ensure them unforgettable experiences, either on the field or among the superb exhibits of the museums subordinated to the Dolj County Council.

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