#EvenimenteleLunii. Come in and see what's in store for you in February, in Craiova!

#EvenimenteleLunii. Come in and see what's in store for you in February, in Craiova!

Maybe you don't know how to spend your time in February or maybe you're looking for an event that will get you out of your routine. We've selected, for you, a few suggestions for activities that will get you out of the house, but also out of your routine, and they all take place here, at home.

Between February 7 and 9, the Multipurpose Hall in Craiova becomes host to Wedding Fever, the long-awaited wedding fair with the help of which you can plan your ideal party, where you can find ideas for the perfect event and where you can leave from with many new learnings. For more details about the event, visit the official website, https://targdenunticraiova.ro/. The entry to Wedding Fever is based on tickets, which you can find here:
Craiova: Targul de Nunti Wedding Fever

If you missed a good dose of laughter, Micutzu, along with Geo Adrian and George Dumitru, are waiting for you on February 8th at the "Oltenia" Philharmonic Hall, with their show "În folosul comunității". Tickets for the event can be found at the following address:
Craiova: Stand-up Comedy cu Micutzu, Geo Adrian si George Dumitru - “IN FOLOSUL COMUNITATII” - ORA 19:00

Also on February 8, Liceniada opens its doors at Ramada Plaza, for a super-interesting school orientation event, dedicated to eighth-grade students. Thus, students, parents and teachers are invited to study the educational offer in an open, friendly setting and, thus, young people can choose their high school more easily and wisely. Participation is free, within the limit of available places, and registrations can be made by accessing the link https://mailchi.mp/arti.ro/liceniada. All about Liceniada, here:
LICENIADA - eveniment de orientare scolara pentru elevii de clasa a VIII-a - Facebook

Let's jump straight to February 18th and tell you that Viorica and Ioniță from Clejani, together with Taraful Clejanilor, are coming to the "Oltenia" Philharmonic with their anniversary tour marking 35 years of activity. Genre lovers will therefore enjoy an explosive concert of genre music, full of joy and rhythm. Tickets for the Clejanilor tour can be found here:
Craiova: ”Turneu Aniversar 35” Viorica & Ionita si Taraful Clejanilor

February would not be complete without remembering the creative genius of Oltenia, Constantin Brâncuși! On February 19, on his birthday, at the „Marin Sorescu” National Theatre, the Dolj County Council is organizing an extraordinary anniversary concert, which will feature Irina Baianț (soprano), Adrian Naidin (cello), but also the members of the "Oltenia" Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of maestro Constantin Grigore. Access will be free, by invitation, and we will soon announce where you can get them, on the Discover Dolj Facebook page!

And because there are things that never go out of style, and among them is the music of the 90s and 00s, the super-event Nostalgia is coming to Craiova, at the Multipurpose Hall, on February 22. The mega-disco also includes retro & future sets, a selfie museum or immersive experiences. Access is based on tickets, which you can purchase here:
NOSTALGIA în România | Craiova

February is full of joy and fun in Craiova! Come along!

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