Adunatii de Geormane Lake
Protected area / Natural attraction
The protected area of national interest Adunatii de Geormane Lake is located in a plain area of the Jiu river basin, which extends to the territory of Bratovoeşti and Teasc and is part of the wetland category. This protected area is characterized by the presence of lacustrine ecosystems, namely Victoria Lake and Marica Pond, adjacent to marshy areas.
Lake Victoria is located on the upper left terrace of the Jiu river at a distance of about 25 kilometres from Craiova to the south, in the Oltenia Plain on Rojistea Terrace. This lake forms an isolated biological unit linked to Jiu by a channel for extracting excess water through the Marica pond. The shape of the lake is almost oval, with low, sandy banks and few trees.
Source: www.mmediu.ro
Photo: www.facebook.com