Historic Center of Craiova
Architectural attraction
The earliest evidence of the existence of the old settlement dates back to the year 225. According to the "Peuntigeriana Plate", on an old map of the Roman Empire from the year 225, it is shown the city of Pelendava. The first document mentioning the name Craiova dates from 1475.
The historic center includes a series of monuments dating from the 15th and the 18th-19th centuries. Apart from numerous cultural institutions, museums, administrative buildings, churches, there are also many private houses: the Palace of Justice, the Prefecture, the Bank of Commerce, the ruins of Hurezi Inn, the Palace of Jean Mihail, the Vorvoreanu Palace, the Minerva Hotel and Casino, the Glogoveanu House, the Nicolae Romanescu House, National Colleges Carol I and Elena Cuza, and many more.
All of these old buildings blend harmoniously with the modern style of other buildings constructed in the last century.
The historic center of Craiova was recently restored with European funds, thus giving it the glory of the past.
Source: www.impact-tour.eu
Photo: djcdj.cultura.ro; www.facebook.com/pg/CentrulIstoricCraiova; www.facebook.com/centrulvechicraiovaoficial