#TheVolunteersOfBrâncuși. From Turkey, Morocco and Georgia, they came to know Craiova and "Brâncuși. Of the world"

#TheVolunteersOfBrâncuși. From Turkey, Morocco and Georgia, they came to know Craiova and "Brâncuși. Of the world"

They are young, aged between 20 and 28, and arrived in Craiova through the European Solidarity Corps program. Ogulcan (Turkey), Mariam (Georgia), Ceylan (Turkey) and Aya (Morocco) are the four young people we could observe at the events of "Brâncuși. Of the world", trying to meet new people and learn as much as possible about the father of modern sculpture, honored this week in Craiova through a suite of cultural events, held under the patronage of the Dolj County Council. 

We met them at the International Conference "Flight, from Leonardo Da Vinci, to Constantin Brâncuși", which took place at the center named after the great sculptor. 

"The four are volunteers in Craiova, through an exchange of experiences, and they came here today to learn about Brâncuși, about what our sculptor has done over time. We introduce them to the culture and as much as we can to our country and area. We work with children at schools and, more recently, we also went to the "Aman" Library, where we will also hold workshops. We also have activities at the Students’ House, and during the summer, for most of the time, we will exchange experiences with young people from different countries", as Delia Trocanu, one of the people who guides the young volunteers in Craiova, told us. 

We found the four of them curious, smiling and very excited about Craiova which, for several months and even several years, has become their home. 

"I've already spent three months here, it's a small but beautiful town. I really appreciate being here and I want to thank you for having me. Today, we are learning more and more about Constantin Brâncu;i, we know about him that he was a successful artist, a good man who creates a very good image for Romania", Oğulcan Cumhur Sarı told us. 

"Despite his talent, Brâncuși lived like an ordinary man, with modesty"

"I saw Brâncusi's sculptures from Craiova, I learned a lot about him and I am very interested. I really, really liked what I saw. It was also very interesting for me to learn that, despite his talent, he lived like an ordinary man, with modesty", Mariam Chilashvili told about Constantin Brâncuși, whom she managed to "read" through his works and the photos she saw. 

"I've been here for about two months, I really like the city and I've settled in here. I like the people, they are very inclined to support you, they help you. About Brâncuși, I can say that he is a great artist who was not too interested in material things, and this can also be seen from the way he dressed. He was only interested in what he created, and that makes him a great artist", said Ceylan Kiliç, who came to Craiova from Istanbul. 

Aya is the only one of the four foreign volunteers who is also a student here. Already two years in Craiova, she feels that the city has adopted her. 

"I'm a student here, but also a volunteer, and I really like the people here. It was hard at first, but the people of Craiova are settled, very warm and managed to make me not feel like a stranger here. I love them! Only the other day I discovered Brâncuși and the experience was very interesting. I really like his work, "The Kiss", and it is clear that he is a very great artist, whom I personally respect", revealed Aya Radi. 

Oğulcan, Mariam, Ceylan and Aya are just a few of the young people who moved their whole lives to Craiova, to study or learn new things and to give something to the community. We are glad that we were able to meet them at "Brâncuși. Of the world". It proves that art unites, and Brâncusi's art manages to do that, like an arch over time, reconfirming its essence and significance. 

Photo:  Discover Dolj 

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