Local manufacturers and traditional products

Local manufacturers and traditional products

Traditional certified products

The first three traditional products in Dolj county, officially certified

A farm in Dăbuleni has the first three traditional Romanian products certified in Dolj county, with certificates issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. A few years ago, in Dăbuleni, Doru Vîrcan together with his son, Gilbert, started a business which few people gave chances of success: the raising of the pigs of the Mangalitsa breed. Now they have received traditional product certificates for three assortments, all under the brand of "Ferma lui Ghiță" (”Ghiță’s Farm”): " burtican de mangaliţa" (mangalitsa bellies), " piept oltenesc de mangaliţa" (mangalitsa oltenian breast) and " cârnaţi trandafiri de mangaliţa" (mangalitsa rose sausage). "It is a breed of pig grown in semi-wild conditions - clean water, grass, mud, while food is provided with corn, bran and grass. We currently have over 300 heads, a slaughterhouse, a butchery, but we were lacking the warranty certificates. We have just received them, so people can, from now on, consume authentic and quality products. It will also be noticed in the price at the counter, with the VAT decreasing to 5%, "said Dorin Vîrcan. The three certificates were offered in a festive setting at the Dolj Agriculture Directorate. "It is a very important moment for us. We now have the first three traditional Romanian products in Dolj county. We are talking about a true European passport that can be used for entering the European markets. Things will not stop here. Other records are in preparation for traditional products such as sheep meat from Giurgiţa, cow's milk from Ciuperceni, sour cabbage and zacusca from Desa and many others", said Adrian Popa, director of the Dolj Agriculture Directorate.

Photo and text source: https://ziaruldecalafat.ro/primele-trei-produse-traditionale-din-dolj-atestate-oficial/

Traditional products to be certified

Soon people in Dolj county will be able to buy pastrami, sausages, cold cuts, dairies, zacusca, tomato paste, pickles, sour cabbage and other products certified as traditional. Ten local producers are preparing to authorize 16 traditional products.

Several manufacturers of traditional products in Dolj county gathered the courage and decided to authorise their products. Until this year, no traditional products prepared in Dolj county were legally registered as authentic products. The director of the Dolj Agricultural Directorate, Adrian Popa, mentioned that 10 producers who want to be recognized have submitted or are preparing to submit the documentation for 16 traditional products, which means that some producers request the approval of more than one product.
"The other day we had a meeting with those interested in certifying their products as traditional. This is done by the Agricultural Directorate, then an endorsement by the Ministry of Agriculture is required. We are nearing the end of the procedure for the mangalitsa meat product from Dăbuleni. I think we'll complete the process in a week or two. We have cow's products at Ciuperceni, sheep products at Giurgiţa, vegetables at Desa and Șimnic. The procedures for these products are in an advanced stage", stated the director of the Dolj Agricultural Directorate, Adrian Popa. He said that in Dolj county there will be certified as traditional products sour cabbage, pickles, tomato paste and zacusca from Desa, Şimnic and Ciuperceni, as well as sheep pastrami and other sheep meat products, which will be certified by a Giurgiţa producer. Other producers from Brădești and Teasc, with cow and goat products, are also preparing the documentation.
The Director of the Agricultural Directorate also said that after the farmers or producers submit the documentation to the Agricultural Directorate for registration as a traditional product, the endorsement from the Ministry of Agriculture is obtained very easily in a short time. Producers must also show that the recipes used to prepare the products in question are traditional.

Photo and text source: https://www.gds.ro/Local/2019-02-19/16-produse-traditionale-vor-fi-autorizate-in-dolj/

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