The Craiova Christmas Fair, officially opened

The Craiova Christmas Fair, officially opened

Big and small children, welcome to the Christmas Fair!

In a fairy-tale atmosphere, Craiova began, on Friday, to wear her luminous ornaments, with the occasion of the lighting up of the festive lighting and the official opening of the Christmas Fair 2019. The "Mihai Viteazul" Square will be full, for many beautiful days, until January 5th, of enchanted houses waiting for passers-by, of sweet goodies and not only, of special drinks and a unique air, because we know very well: Santa cannot arrive anyway and he must be honored properly.

Traders and artisans from all over the country, from Săpânța, Satu-Mare, Moldova, Cluj-Napoca, Harghita and Covasna, Târgoviște, Craiova, but also from Timișoara, Bucharest, Olt or Braila, came to be with the people of Craiova and not only until after the New Year, to make their holidays more beautiful.

The little ones are expected to the workshops of the old man with the white beard, in Santa’s Little Houses, where many surprises and activities have been prepared for them, from decorating ceramic objects to making seasonal greetings. In addition, the kids can write to Santa and leave the letters in specially designed boxes. Moreover, concerts and various events are ready to satisfy the tastes of all visitors, regardless of age: carols, dance, puppets theater, folk music, traditions or interactive shows.

And, from all this, we couldn’t ignore the ice rink that brings the ice fair, with which people have been used for years already. And, in the middle of everything, the beautiful Christmas tree, more special than it usually is.

All these, in the "Mihai Viteazul" Square, because in the "William Shakespeare" Square the Children’s Village was prepared, for the first time being surrounded by food trucks with goodies. If, however, you are not in the center of the city and still want to skate, you still have an alternative in the ice rink arranged at Electroputere Mall. And don't forget the Historical Center too, because you have what to see!

Stay up-to-date with the events of the Christmas Fair on the official Facebook page and don't forget to visit.

Craiova Christmas Fair 2019

Photo: Impact Image / Petruș Alin

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