#stayingathome as online tourists. Virtual places to visit in Craiova and Dolj

#stayingathome as online tourists. Virtual places to visit in Craiova and Dolj

In times like these, the only things we can do is show solidarity, compassion, follow the rules and have a reduced social contact. Therefore, we have prepared for you a short online tourists’ guide for the days you’ll be staying at home, with online jewel-like informations about Craiova and Dolj.


Monumentalist is a Facebook page created by a true lover of mansions and old houses. Dragoș Andreescu walks through Oltenia and shows the lovers of history the true face of the monuments, impressive visual details, both from the buildings that received the attention they deserved, and also from the less fortunate ones, who need salvation. Then, he makes the photos available for the fans on the page, that nearly hit 21,000 likes. A real power tour is just a click away!


Oltenia Monuments

Oltenia Monuments is a big project of the Oltenia Monuments Association, which has carefully and passionately documented architectural monuments throughout Oltenia. Beyond the detailed photos, those who visit the website can also read their stories, the changes they have gone through, who made certain interventions for the buildings and the stage they’re in right now. Also, the website has a map of monuments, but also a video section with clips of presentation and documentataries about buildings or historical areas of Oltenia.

Oltenia Monuments

”Marin Sorescu” National Theater

The National Theater "Marin Sorescu" pulleds the curtain and urged the audience to #stayathome. But they did not leave them without culture and without a game that only the theater team knows how to do. They called people online, to a game in which the spectators are a kind of directors. The game involves some simple steps: a NTMS actor is filmed at home saying a replica of a NTMS show, and the first person to recognize the play asks an actor participating in the game that day to say a certain line, in a certain tone. All this interactive magic, meant to wipe out of the wilderness of the present days, takes place on the official Facebook page of the theater, every day, from 2 pm.

”Marin Sorescu” National Theater

The virtual tour of the History-Archeology Section of the Oltenia Museum

The virtual tour of the History-Archeology Section of the Oltenia Museum is an extremely important resource for these times when we’re staying home. It is available on the official website of the institution and you are free to "walk" freely in the basement, ground floor and upper floor, visiting all exhibitions. Moreover, on the same page you can read about the impressive collections in the museum sections or you can see the work of the restorers in "before/ after" images.

The virtual tour of the History-Archeology Section of the Oltenia Museum

”Alexandru and Aristia Aman” County Library

If you are curious who raised Dolj county over time, the extremely well-documented archive of the „Alexandru and Aristia Aman” County Library on Dolj's personalities is what you’re looking for. Whether they were born here or elsewhere, but they have somehow contributed to what our county is today, you can find them here.

Personalities from Dolj County

Choose to be informed and ready to visit or take a stroll through Dolj, when everything will be fine. Until then, #stayathome, for everything to be fine!

Photo: facebook.com/Monumentalist, /tncms.oficial, monumenteoltenia.ro, muzeulolteniei.ro, aman.ro.

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