Internal transport

Internal transport

Public transport in Craiova

In Craiova there are 17 bus routes that are evenly distributed throughout the city, connecting the main areas of the city.
Regarding the electric transport, RAT Craiova owns a park of 29 trams distributed on 3 routes.

Continuous improvement in passenger transport conditions and reduction of operating costs are being pursued by optimizing public transport involving the correlation of transport capacity with the flows of passengers on the routes served by the company.

Ticket rates for a trip, regardless of distance: ticket sold at the stand - 2,00 RON; ticket sold by the driver - 2,50 RON; external route ticket - 3,00 RON.

RAT Craiova routes (route planner for Craiova)

With, you can use the map of transport networks from 7 cities in Romania, along with several tools that will help you plan your trips; you will receive detailed information regarding the routes to follow, link points, alternative routes, and more.

The map shows the positions of the bus and tram stations, which will help you navigate much easier. All you have to do is choose a starting and an arrival point, and the application will show you the best way to reach your destination.

Public transport in Dolj county

The city – commune/village connection is done by rail (in the communes situated along the railway line) or by private minibuses and buses.

The graph is based on the distance between the commune and the city. For example, communes located less than 15 km away from the city have a 15-30 minutes frequency of transport, depending on the hour and day (working or non-working), and those at 30-40 km from the city at 60 minutes. Overall, the latest rides are around 8pm.

Craiova has 3 bus terminals: North Bus Terminal, near the main train station, "Poiana Service" Bus Terminal and South Bus Terminal from the former RAT base, in the Romaneşti district.

Public transport in the county Craiova North Bus Terminal Craiova South Bus Terminal A.C.O.T.P. Dolj Bus Terminal

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