#147Years of Greatness. Brâncuși. Belonging to the world ("Brâncuși. Al lumii"), celebrated through a cultural marathon in Craiova

#147Years of Greatness. Brâncuși. Belonging to the world ("Brâncuși. Al lumii"), celebrated through a cultural marathon in Craiova

February 19th is a point in time of worldwide significance, as it marks the birth date of the great Constantin Brâncuși, the father of modern sculpture, and for us, Oltenians, it is, even more, a day with a special meaning. On this occasion, Dolj County Council is coordinating a large event that will last for a week, between February 13th and 19th, in Craiova. Along with the subordinated and partner cultural institutions, Dolj County Council invites us to "Brâncuși. Belonging to the world", a marathon of cultural events dedicated to the celebration of 147 years since the birth of the artist from Oltenia who made history. 

We will witness unique exhibitions, recitals, film screenings, debates and conferences, we will listen to music from the interwar period and we will transpose ourselves, for a week, into the world that the sculptor, who changed the vision of modern art, created and brought, to our good fortune, in front of the public. 

Through his simplicity and originality, Constantin Brâncuși influenced the lives of artists and writers everywhere, who decided to pay homage to him through their own art. Some of their works or writings will be admired and studied during the week "Brâncuși. Belonging to the world", where public access to the events will be free, in the limit of available seats

"Brâncuși. Belonging to the world" is the way in which Dolj County Council, together with its partners, chooses to support and promote the immense cultural heritage that Constantin Brâncuși left behind. Also, the first edition of this event is dedicated to the artists who were influenced by the work of the great sculptor. 

Part of the events will take place at the "Constantin Brâncuși" Centre, a unique project, designed by the architect Dorin Ștefan and developed by Dolj County Council. We remind you that the centre can also be visited independently of the week dedicated to Brâncuși, from Wednesday to Sunday, between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m with free access for the public. 

Here you will discover, among other things, a huge exhibition space where you can watch films about Brâncuși's life, interactive screens that display the artist`s works belonging to the Craiova Art Museum, a chronology documenting the evolution from Hobița to Paris, via Craiova, as well as the wooden beams brought by V.G. Paleolog from the workshop in Paris. All this is framed in an avant-garde, modern and visionary perimeter leading to the way in which Constantin Brâncuși certainly lived and created. 

"Brâncuși. Belonging to the world" opens next week and we are really excited about all the events that will constitute, as a whole, the obligatory and necessary tribute paid to the artist who transformed the rock into tenderness, gentleness, converting it into emotion.
The entire calendar of the week dedicated to "the one who made the stone sing for mankind" can be accessed below. See you at "Brâncuși. Belonging to the world ", right? ❤ 
Calendarul evenimentelor

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