#BrâncușiOfTheWorld. Brâncuși's life, in original documents from the National Archives, at the Oltenia Museum

#BrâncușiOfTheWorld. Brâncuși's life, in original documents from the National Archives, at the Oltenia Museum

The suite of cultural events "Brâncuși. Of the world", patronized by the Dolj County Council, is ongoing and gives us the opportunity to document, experience and get to know better the Oltenian who, on his way from Hobița (Gorj) to Paris, also passed through Craiova, for several years. 

Constantin Brâncuși is also honored, these days, 147 years after his birth, through a new exhibition, hosted by the History-Archaeology Section of the Oltenia Museum, organized in collaboration with the Dolj County Service of the National Archives. Entitled "From Brâncuși's life", the cultural event opened today brings to the public documents never before exposed to the public and photographs from archival funds, surprising testimonies that recall the period of the great sculptor's stay in Craiova, but also in Bucharest. 

We remember very well the words of Brâncuși, who said that he was born a second time in Craiova, and the few years that the sculptor spent here definitely marked and shaped his existence. Between 1899 and 1900, the Craiova "Madonna Dudu" Church and the Dol-Jiu General Council granted scholarships to the young Brâncuși, so that he could attend the National School of Fine Arts in Bucharest. The school that Constantin Brâncuși attended in Craiova bears his name today, and the fact that the artist spent a period of his life here made him much closer to the community, which appreciated him and which, here, today wants to bring it back to the fore, as it always deserved to be. 

As part of the exhibition at the Oltenia Museum, museographic specialists also prepared a series of sketches and plans representing the bust of the artist and the restoration of his native house in Hobița, as well as the Monumental Ensemble "Calea Eroilor" in Târgu Jiu. Last but not least, the curious will be able to see the bust of Constantin Brâncuși, signed by the sculptor Maria Constantinescu, and some plastic interpretations of his works. 

The exhibits can be studied until March 20, at the History-Archaeology Section of the Oltenia Museum, and public access is free. 

The entire series of events dedicated to the 147 years since the birth of Constantin Brâncuși can be consulted at the link below: 
Calendarul evenimentelor

We therefore invite you to get to know the father of modern sculpture better, celebrated at our home in Dolj! 

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