#Local24thOfJanuary. How we celebrate the Union from 1859

#Local24thOfJanuary. How we celebrate the Union from 1859

The Small Union of January 24th 1859 was always an opportunity to look behind us and see how those before us managed to build and unite a whole nation. Their legacy is not just one of deeds, but also of what they have managed to leave behind, through culture, history and involvement. We challenge you to remember them these days - and not only - through some unique activities! 

A visit to the History-Archaeology Section of the Oltenia Museum

The modern-contemporary collection of the Oltenia Museum is a special one, and the exhibits will certainly transport you to the important period of Romania. Whether we're talking about flags, documents, medals and photos, seals or the "Titulescu" Fund, we're convinced that what you'll find will be both a history lesson and an experience itself! 
Muzeul Olteniei - facebook

A road trip to the old tower constructions of Brabova and Cernătești

What better way to know history than to experience it right where it happened? For this, we have the two towers in Dolj, Izvoranu-Geblescu (Brabova) and Cernătești (Cernătești), semi-fortified constructions used by the boyars, in the old days, both for living, but especially for defense. The two towers were restored and introduced to the tourist circuit last year, and you can visit them like any other museum, along with their stories, told through exhibits and dedicated staff!
Cula Izvoranu Geblescu - Brabova Dolj - Muzeul Olteniei - facebook Cula Cernăteștilor - Muzeul Olteniei - facebook

A moment of remembrance at the statue of ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza

The centre of Craiova is famous for the statue of Michael the Brave, but in the central area there is also another imposing monument, that of ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza, the one who created the Small Union from 1859. The statue was executed in 1912 by the Italian sculptor Raffaello Romanelli. It was originally placed in 1935, in front of the "Minerva" hotel, but was only inaugurated in 1939, so that a year later it was moved to the "English Park" garden, in front of the Craiova City Hall building. The statue represents the ruler standing straight, with the sword held in both hands, in a gesture that suggests the idea of determination and dignity. On the plinth, on both sides, right and left, there are inscribed texts describing the measures taken by Alexandru Ioan Cuza during his reign. 

A guided tour with Monumentalist or Craiova Guided Tours

We believe that history is important especially when it is transmitted through the living word, and we are lucky to live in an area where people who are passionate about history and architecture are dedicated to this field. If you want a walk along the paths of history, with interesting details and details you never knew about, get in touch with Monumentalist or Craiova Guided Tours and let them take you on an unforgettable story of Craiova!
Monumentalist - facebook Craiova Guided Tours - facebook

Reading time at the "Aman" Library

The "Alexandru și Aristia Aman" County Library has an impressive collection of books, which you can borrow or study right in the institution's special rooms. We challenge you to go to the library and enter the wonderful world of books that can best tell you the history!
Biblioteca Judeteana Alexandru & Aristia Aman Craiova - facebook

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