The „doctors” of monuments in Dolj

The „doctors” of monuments in Dolj

Whether they promote them, protect them, present them to others with their impressive history or restore them, the doctors of monuments, as we like to call them, exist in Dolj. And their work is more than commendable. These are people who have understood their importance and who have understood to share with others what they know best.

We present them to you, today, in short, letting you discover them in all their splendor, following them on social media accounts and participating in their events, tours or seeing them at work.


Dragoș Andreescu, graphic designer, is the Monumentalist, the one who for years has been showing the people of Oltenia and, implicitly, the people of Dolj, the beauties, sometimes ruined, of the area. By photographing them and telling their story, Monumentalist became one of the most beloved presences on social media and beyond. Monumentalist organizes, periodically, in Craiova, guided tours of historical monuments, of old houses, telling people their stories and managing to transmit to them the same unparalleled passion for the architectural beauties of Dolj.

You can follow Monumentalist on Facebook and Instagram and we really ask you to do it, because you have a thousand reasons! 
Monumentalist - facebook Monumentalist - instagram

Monumente Oltenia is a collection of images and information about the historical monuments of Oltenia, and therefore of our county, as they appear in the List of Historical Monuments of the Ministry of Culture. Their team goals? Facilitating the access of the general public to relevant information about the historical, cultural and touristical heritage of the Oltenia region and the awareness of the general public regarding the historical, cultural and tourist potential of the area.

Moreover, Monumente Oltenia also organizes guided walking tours in Craiova for Romanian or foreign tourists, facilitating, at the same time, the access to museums or the entrance to certain churches or heritage buildings. Monumente Oltenia - facebook Monumente Oltenia - instagram

Ambulance for Monuments

Ambulance for Monuments is a project initiated in 2016 by the Monumentum Association and developed by a series of existing or newly created organizations in the field of heritage with independent activity in several regions of Romania. In Dolj, Gorj and Mehedinți, the project is put into practice by the Heart of Oltenia Association, which aims to act effectively in the field of safeguarding real estate by securing important heritage sites in an advanced state of degradation or pre-collapse.

In Dolj County, the most recent project of the Monument Ambulance was to secure the roof of the Church “St. Nicholas” from Bistreț commune, where 30 volunteers worked, respecting the principles of restoration. They received the help of the community, of the Bistreț town hall, but also of the representatives of the church from the commune, who supported them with accommodation and meals. 
Ambulanța pentru Monumente Oltenia - facebook Ambulanța pentru Monumente Oltenia - instagram

We wish everyone to keep their passion in their work, inspiration and time to continue making beautiful projects and events, which only bring the community closer and make it aware that only by knowing our past, we can respect all its values ​​and we can cherish it properly.

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