The National Architecture Biennale will also take place in Craiova this year
Two important sections of the National Architecture Biennale 2023, an event organized by the Union of Romanian Architects (URA) every two years, will take place, this year, for the first time, in Craiova.
More precisely, during October 16-18, thanks to the efforts of URA - South-West Oltenia Branch, the "Restoration" and "Recovery of heritage and interpretation of identity" Sections will be held in Craiova, a more than suitable city and even an example for the context offered, namely that of the restoration and enhancement of buildings that are historical monuments and not only.
We are sure that guests arriving in our city on the occasion of this event will be more than happy to discover a fresh, rebuilt city, whose old buildings are valued as they deserve.
Whether we are talking about ongoing or already completed investments, there are plenty of them, and we will list only a few: the Craiova Art Museum, the "Tache Dianu" House, the Palace Hotel, the Craiova City Hall building, the Administrative Palace, but also many other private investments through which old houses were saved from destruction by the interest given by the owners. As important as the restoration is the fact that many of these buildings were given back to the people, being often transformed into social spaces (museums, restaurants, cafes, hotels, etc.).
During the three days of the Craiova Architecture Biennale, the participants will have a guided tour, round tables, and a unique exhibition - how else? - of the architect Dorin Ștefan, the one who thought and designed the "Constantin Brâncuși" Center in Craiova, interesting discussions about Artificial Intelligence used in design, as well as the Oltenian Architects' Ball, in its 25th edition. At the same time, on the last day of the program, there will also be a documentary visit to the recently restored fortified buildings in Dolj and to a manor, thus going beyond the borders of Craiova and entering the county's heritage, which is also particularly important and enriched.
We hope that this year will represent Craiova's entry as a permanent participant in this biennial and that those who visit our city and county will discover their true face: that of a united community that makes real efforts to save its history and heritage.