Craiova entered the spirit of Christmas. The city, through the eyes of the people
Craiova has changed since Saturday, November 28, since the festive lighting was turned on in the city on the main arteries, in the Historic Center and in the “Mihai Viteazul” Square, but also in the “Nicolae Romanescu” Park. Although it will be at least a strange December, unknown to us so far, it would be nice to promise ourselves, despite these facts, that we will try to make it as good as possible.
We present you a photo report - this time of the citizens, because they make the city come alive - with beautiful frames from our dear Craiova, where certain spirits, and especially the one of Christmas, do not die and will never die.
Compared to other years, the Christmas Fair means less interaction, such as concerts, workshops or the classic skating rink, but it retains all its charm. The authorities, in collaboration with student organizations, have arranged special sidewalks for visitors and urges them to stay safe, displaying this in a friendly manner, on painted wooden Christmas trees, something new for people accustomed to the rigidity of these messages.
A unique thing was the fact that people were able to "turn on" the festive lighting online, on the website of Craiova City Hall. So, despite the fact that they could not be present on the spot, they were called to be part of this beautiful whole that is rather a state of mind that we should all have.
The magic also moved to the “Nicolae Romanescu” Park, where there is festive lighting for the first time for the city of Craiova. Thus, an already dream land has received an extremely beautiful compliment through the installations that fascinate the little ones and the big ones alike.
În ciuda restricțiilor prezente în viețile noastre, atmosfera de decembrie nu ar trebui să fie doar afară, în ornamentele luminoase sau în mesajele pline de căldură ale Sărbătorilor. Crăciunul și magia sa sunt undeva în sufletele noastre, iar tot ceea ce avem de făcut este doar să le găsim și să le împărțim cu cei din jur.
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Foto: Impact Image, Gabi Rizea,, Vașcu Alexandru Valentin, Centrul Vechi Craiova