The Romanian Book and Exile Museum was inaugurated in Craiova

The Romanian Book and Exile Museum was inaugurated in Craiova

One of the most imposing and representative old houses in Craiova, the "Dianu" House, which belonged to the Tache Dianu nobleman, opened its doors at the end of last week, during an exceptional inaugural event, which lasted for several days. 

Thus, in Craiova, the only museum in the country dedicated to Romanian artists who created in exile, reunited under the title of Museum of the Book and Romanian Exile, was born, another important step that Craiova and Dolj county are taking from a cultural point of view. The financing from European funds for the restoration was obtained by the Dolj County Council, the arrangement and decoration of the new museum returning to the hands of the specialists from the "Alexandru și Aristia Aman" County Library.

The construction from the beginning of the 20th century, combined with all the objects given to the institution by the approximately 40 donors - Romanian artists -, is brought back to the public with a new and modern approach of a museum-library, where all those interested can study the objects, manuscripts and hosted books. Practically, a large part of what was created outside Romania by Romanian artists - writers, directors, poets, philosophers, musicians - in the period 1945-1989, was brought back home and offered to the public eager for knowledge.

We list only some of the collections and donations owned by the new cultural institution: "Academician Basarab Nicolescu", "Andrei Șerban", "Vintila Horia", "Mircea Eliade", "Emil Cioran", "Leonid Mămăligă", "Ileana and Romulus Vulpescu ", "Academician Dan Berindei", "Academician Dinu C. Giurescu", "George Banu", "Octav Calleya", "Horia-Dinu Nicolaescu", "Memory of the Romanian Exile on Romanian Television" and many others.

It has been said, not infrequently, that history must be repaired to be fully understood, and we believe that this new and unique museum itself is a historical repair and a show of respect for those who could not express themselves freely, in their country, during communism.

We are glad that such a place came into being right at our house and we invite you, in the coming weeks, to be part of this story, that was born six years ago from a simple idea and that today reached such beautiful maturity!

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