Răcari camp - promoted, adventure park and bicycle route, in Dolj

Răcari camp - promoted, adventure park and bicycle route, in Dolj

The Roman camp from Răcari, which belongs to the town of Brădești in Dolj, will be digitized and promoted with European funds from PNRR, the leadership of Dolj County Council recently announced. 30,000 euros will be allocated to the local administration from Brădești commune for the promotion of the Roman Camp from Răcari. The site will be funded by digitization services, the creation of an application dedicated to visitors, the marking and signaling of the camp as part of the Roman Camps Route and the creation of a cultural offer for the region.

The mentioned Roman camp functioned as a military objective for the surveillance of a port on the Jiu River for almost 2 centuries, from the Daco-Roman wars until the Roman retreat, between 101 and 271 AD.

It can be partially visited, thanks to the research and excavations made by the specialists of the Oltenia Museum in Craiova, who also made efforts to preserve them.

Other important sites in Dolj

  • The archeological site from Bâzdâna - Cucuioava - The archeological site is located on a hillside, 1 km northwest of the town, at a distance of 5,060 m from the church in Calopăr.
  • The archeological site from Cârcea - La Hanuri - The site is located 50 m west of Halta CFR. Currently, the site "La Hanuri" is covered by houses but there are still small portions, free for future archaeological research.
  • Archaeological site from Cioroiu Nou - The settlement is located on the SE edge of the village, south of the road to Siliştea Crucii and west of the road to Boureni, SW and below the village cemetery, in a loop made by Cioroi water to the west. It is located at a distance of 906 m from the Cioroiu Nou Church.
  • Archaeological site from Desa - Castraviţa - The site is located on the island of the commune, 7 km southwest of the town, near the island Acalia, river terminal 766.

Tourist routes for bicycles

In addition to promoting the Răcarii de Jos site, the Dolj County Council wants to invest in the construction of cycling routes, together with four localities near Craiova. These are Bucovăț, Breasta, Podari and Vârvor, whose local authorities are to identify the routes and establish the legal regime of the lands that will be crossed by bicycle lanes.

The aim is to create a network of tracks that link objectives of regional interest, such as the forest in Palilula village, the park in Breasta village or Ciutura lake, in the area of ​​Vârvor locality. In this way, an increasingly attractive alternative for leisure will be offered.

At the same time, CJ Dolj is going to identify a space suitable for arranging an adventure park, an investment that would be started in the near future.

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