The Easter fair returns to Craiova, in the magical "Romanescu" Park

The Easter fair returns to Craiova, in the magical "Romanescu" Park

Craiova becomes the land of fairy tales again this Easter, on the occasion of a new seasonal fair organized by Craiova City Hall. Everything will take place in the same dream location, the "Nicolae Romanescu" Park, transformed, this time, into the realm of Snow White and the seven dwarfs.

The fair will be officially opened in a little over a month, on April 19, and will last, this year, until May 12, and visitors will be able to discover a new facet of "Romanescu" Park, as it happens in every year, on the occasion of these fairs.

"Because we want you to spend as much time with us as possible, this year we are bringing other attractions: a roller coaster, a giant wheel, boats, electric carts, a medieval village with traveling artists, medieval costume parades, interactive workshops for children, shows of our cultural institutions, all in the dream setting of the Romanescu Park, more flourishing than ever", explained the mayor of Craiova, Lia Olguța Vasilescu.

Tourists and others will again have access to the double-decker tourist bus, with which they will be able to visit the main points of interest in the city on their way to the Easter Fair, such as the Botanical Garden or the Historic Center.

Open call pentru comercianți

Comercianții care doresc să participe la Târgul de Paște de la Craiova 2024 cu obiecte artizanale, produse gastronomice, tradiționale, suveniruri și multe altele sunt invitați să consulte criteriile de înscriere la adresa de mai jos.

"Romanescu" Park, the venue of the Craiova Easter Fair, is considered the third largest natural park in Europe, built in a romantic style according to the plans of the French architect Edouard Redont. The "Nicolae Romanescu" park includes iconic buildings such as the Suspension Bridge or the Enchanted Castle, but also the velodrome, the summer theater, the zoo or the hippodrome, on an area of 90 hectares.

Craiova is also magical at Easter, let's live it! 

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