#UnforgetfulAccomodations. Where to sleep like in the old times in Dolj

#UnforgetfulAccomodations. Where to sleep like in the old times in Dolj

If you have ever wanted to make a stop in Craiova, if you are here for business or simply want to see Dolj and want to live a different kind of accommodation experience, just like in the 19th century, we thought that it would be nice to have a guide of hotels that have exactly that atmosphere. Craiova from the Belle Epoque, the Dolj of old times and, in general, a different atmosphere awaits for you in some of the hotels or mansions in the county.

Hotel Splendid

Hotel Splendid is located in the heart of the Historical Centre of Craiova, in a classic building for the architecture of this area. As the owners describe it, the hotel is housed in a historic building from 1900 which, before the war, housed the "Vulturul de Mare" store, then a buffet called "Splendid", until 1990. Out of a desire to preserve the aroma of those days, the building underwent an extensive process of restoration and consolidation, becoming the hotel that still bears the name "Splendid". For accommodation, guests have at their disposal 24 rooms decorated in an eclectic style with art deco influences.
Facebook Hotel Splendid Hotel Splendid

Hotel Helin Central

Also located in the Historical Centre of the city, a stone's throw from the University and the National Theater, Hotel Helin Central was built in the 19th century style, with rooms arranged and furnished in such a way as to make you feel the full experience of that era. Combining with the atmosphere of the Historical Centre, the bars and restaurants in the area, Hotel Helin Central offers an experience with a vintage feel but, at the same time, with a modern aroma.
Facebook Hotel Helin Central Hotel Helin Central

Hotel Royal

Hotel Royal is located in an eclectic manor house, where you can find, as a guest, neoclassical and neo-baroque elements. The historic monument building dates back to the 19th century and was completely renovated in 2016. Located in a quiet area, close to the Historical Centre and the main attractions, Hotel Royal has managed to bring back to life the world of 100 years ago by paying attention to detail and, implicitly, through the arrangements made.
Facebook Hotel Royal Hotel Royal

N.N. Popp Mansion

The imposing house in Padea village, Drănic commune, belonged to the banker N.N. Popp, and its history begins in the early 1900s, more precisely in 1907. The building bears the signature of the architect Ion D. Berindey, and the history of the mansion is related to the writer Alexandru Kiritescu, who imagined, here, the action from the novel "Gaiţele". The mansion was rehabilitated a few years ago, and is now available to tourists as accommodation for events, with all the necessary facilities. If you want to relive the atmosphere of a hundred years ago, you can definitely do it here.
Facebook Conacul Popeci Conacul Popeci

Banu Mărăcine Mansion

Located near Craiova, the mansion is part of the Didactic Resort "Banu Mărăcine", known in Oltenia and abroad thanks to the special wines created here, but especially through „Roua plaiului”, a wine presented and awarded the silver medal at the International Salon of Inventions from Geneva, in 1996. The mansion was built by the former mayor of Craiova, Constantin Negrescu, in honor of his son. This place also has rooms that can be rented for accommodation, by contacting the e-mail address ramonagiotoiu@yahoo.com or 0251.411.746, but also for various important events.

The Mansion of Port Cetate

Located in the village of Cetate, on the banks of the Danube, Port Cetate was, from 1880 until the middle of the last century, an important agricultural port. The imposing building of the captaincy was built more than 100 years ago by Italian craftsmen, and at the moment, being rehabilitated, it can accommodate groups of up to 40-50 people. Away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities, Port Cetate is another experience of accommodation and gastronomy that can be a real break from everyday life. Reservations are required and can be made at: portcetate@gmail.com.
Facebook Port Cetate Port Cetate

Photo: splendid1900.ro, helincentral.ro, hotelroyalcraiova.ro, conaculpopeci.ro, portcetate.ro, facebook.com/Port-Cultural-Cetate-122799127772264, monumenteuitate.org

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