Local detox, after the holidays

Local detox, after the holidays

A break after the holidays is always well-deserved and we have a lot of options around us to help us clean both our body and our mind after a rather hectic period. Whether you opt for a detox cure, for exercise or to relax the mind, the alternatives are enough.

A gym membership

Any day is perfect for exercising, and that's why we have the people at Gorilla Gym by our side, who will help us get back in shape after the holidays and feel better, no matter what time of the year we're talking about. You can find the people from Gorilla Gym both in Electroputere Mall, but also in the center and in the Craiovița Nouă district.
GORILLA GYM - facebook

A few laps in the pool and a sauna session

If you prefer a different kind of movement, in a different environment, then we recommend you to visit the Waterpark in Craiova, which is also open in winter, given that there are also covered pools here, with warm water, best to try during the winter! In the link below, you have the list of prices and services offered, as well as details about the program and access.
WATER PARK CRAIOVA Water Park Craiova - facebook

Healthy goodness for a calmer body

During this period, our body needs a break from food excesses and a little attention from us. So we challenge you: no sugar, no additives and no guilt! Go to RawLala and discover a delicious universe that you can enjoy without regrets later. At the same time, those from Osso Raw Vegan or those from Red Onion are also waiting for you with guilt-free goodies!
RawLala Raw Vegan Craiova - facebook Osso Raw Vegan Craiova - facebook Red Onion Craiova - facebook

Therapy for the body and mind

If you have a different definition of relaxation, and if that definition means "yoga", look no further and head to Harmony Wellness Center, where a dedicated, passionate team is waiting to train you in the secrets of this ancient therapy.
Harmony Wellness Center - facebook

Outdoor movement in our parks

It seems the good weather has been with us this time around, so why not really enjoy it? Opt for a different kind of relaxation and choose to walk through one of Craiova's parks, for a complete experience of peace, fresh air and relaxation. Find below the list of parks and gardens in the county.
Parcuri și grădini

Let's have a relaxing 2024!

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