#TrinketTime. Where do we find the artisans of Craiova

#TrinketTime. Where do we find the artisans of Craiova

The arrival of spring is always a reason for joy for everyone, and the Trinket Celebration is even more so. But what do we offer and why? The poet George Coșbuc tells us the significance of these objects in ancient writings and studies: “The purpose of its behavior is to bring the sun closer to you, wearing its face with you. By this, you make friends with the sun, you make him willing to give you what is in his power, first beauty like his, then joy and health, honor, love and purity of soul. The peasants give the children trinkets to be clean as silver and not to shake their colds, and the girls say that they wear it so that the sun does not burn them and whoever does not wear it will wither”.

In short, the trinket brings good to the soul and home and brings good luck. So we thought of telling you where you can get unique, handmade things for this occasion, to make your loved ones happy. 

The exhibition of the "Cornetti" School, hosted by the Dolj County Council

The students of the external section of Folk Art - Piscu Vechi from the “Cornetti” School exhibit during the “Popular Trinket” event. Visitors can see here the beautiful and the traditional, harmoniously combined by the skillful hands of the children. The exhibition is open until March 10, the students who made the trinkets being coordinated by Prof. Camelia Popescu.

Electroputere Mall Fair

The event area in Electroputere Mall has been, for several weeks, the meeting place of several Craiova artisans, who also came this year to promote their products and to offer something else to the people from Dolj who are looking for Trinket gifts. You can find them in the Mall until March 8, with all kinds of precious gifts and manufactures, which you will surely be surprised by.

Mercur Center Fair

And at the Mercur Center, local artisans can be found both on the mall terrace and inside, in the Starbucks area, also until March 8. What do you find there? Trinkets, decorations, jewelry and other objects made by hand, using various techniques, according to the organizers.

The spaces organized by Craiova City Hall throughout the city for the Trinket Celebration

This year, local authorities have made more space in the city, outdoors, for those who want to sell their manufactured goods. Thus, no less than ten areas of the city have become places where you can go to choose the right trinkets for your loved ones, also until March 8: Center - Prefecture Square, Calea București - Rotonda, Str. Henry Coandă - Square, Brazda lui Novac District - Baba Novac Complex, Bvd. Dacia - Piața Gării, Cartier Craiovița Nouă - Esplanade between G. Enescu streets - Bvd. Oltenia, Cartier N. Titulescu - Schmidt area, Cartier 1 Mai - Ciupercă, Confecții, Cartier 1 Mai - “Marin Sorescu” Art High School and Petre Ispirescu Street. 

Decorative objects, through the craftsmen of history

In order to stay in the same tone of the craft, but to go back many years in time, we recommend another kind of trinket: a visit to the Ethnography Section of the Oltenia Museum (Casa Băniei), where you can enjoy art objects popular and with the history of various crafts in the Oltenia area. Remember that the Ethnography Section, like the other sections of the Oltenia Museum, is open from Tuesday to Sunday, between 9:00 and 17:00.

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