#TheMemoryOfTaste. „Dolju-n bucate de zece”, a lesson of tradition and generosity taught in plates

#TheMemoryOfTaste. „Dolju-n bucate de zece”, a lesson of tradition and generosity taught in plates

How better to tell the story of a population than through aromas, tastes and by sharing them with other lovers of beauty?

That's how it was at "Dolju-n bucate de zece", a soul project of the County Center for the Conservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Dolj, which celebrated, yesterday, at Universitaria House, ten years since they’re making the people of Dolj – and not only – hapyy, through the prepared dishes of housewives from the whole county 

Thus, the ladies most skilled in our traditional cuisine, from 13 localities in the county, took the time to prepare, cook, bring and arrange, in Craiova, a generous and decadent feast of local delicacies. The concept is a novel one, considering that only by showing people what they can eat or even cook themselves, at home, from the traditional kitchen, can they really see what riches we have and who we are. Basically, we could call it, as others read in tea leaves or coffee, a plate reading. And how beautifully our housewives write!

Along with them were the Association of Macedonians from Romania - Craiova branch, the Association of Roma Party - Pro Europa - Dolj branch, friends from across the border, represented by the Association of Vlachs from Bulgaria, the Craiova Food Industry High School, as well as the Convention of Student Organizations from the University of Craiova, but not even the organizing team, the one from CJCPCT Dolj, did not let itself down and also prepared goodies to share and through which the visitors got to know us.

Of course, among the tables full of stuffed peppers, soups, hams of all kinds, cheeses and creamy curds, bread pudding, red eggs, scones, cakes, generous donuts dusted with sugar, sweet or savoury pies, baked beans, rice, various snacks, plum brandy, wines – and we stop here, because the images speak for themselves –, music could not be missing either, our dear music, drawn from ancient folklore like the recipes passed down from generation to generation to create this arch over time. And, along with the sounds and voices, there had to be included folk crafts or traditional clothes, a delight to look at and a show of respect for who we are.

We wish a happy birthday to those at CJCPCT Dolj, may they keep their habit healthy for ten, 20, 30 years from now, and to the people who prepared - attention, benevolently - all the goodies we tasted, much health and strength in those hands full of effort and genuine passion, which brought to light so many gastronomic miracles.

Nothing compares to a traditional word of ours, after enjoying a good and well deserved meal, which literally translates through "kiss the cook’s hand for the meal", but we dare to thank them also for the lesson of history, tradition and culture offered. It is, after all, in the power of each of us, by using pots, pans, jugs, spoons and raw materials, to carry forward the tastes known and, perhaps, discovered just yesterday, for the first time.

Happy birthday, „Dolju-n bucate”!

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