#TNT. The International Festival of Young Directors starts today, in Craiova

#TNT. The International Festival of Young Directors starts today, in Craiova

The "Marin Sorescu" National Theater is, from today until Friday inclusively, the host of the fifth edition of Theater Networking Talents, i.e. the International Festival of Young Directors, in which productions of the students of theater directing universities, 2023 promotion, in Romania and from abroad are presented.
Theater Networking Talents - facebook

The organizers of the festival managed to bring, this year, as a special guest, the director Ivan Vîrîpaev, the contemporary best-known and most frequently staged playwright, theater and film director, screenwriter, producer and actor of Russian origin. Established in Poland for over ten years, with over 300 productions in theaters worldwide, the special guest will hold two meetings with participants: the conference "What is a play?", as well as a two-day masterclass on the idea "holistic human development", starting from the structure of a play.

What shows are shown on TNT?

Theater lovers will certainly enjoy this year's selection of shows, six in number, from Romania and Poland. 

We’re talking about "Mercury Fur", by Philip Ridley, directed by Teodora Florea (master's degree, UNATC Bucharest), "Season in The Light", dramaturgy and direction by Aleksandra Bielewicz (master's degree, National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw, Poland), "Little Light", by Alice Birch, directed by Mara Bugarin (license, UNATC Bucharest), "Do the fish sleep?", by Jens Raschke, directed by Tania Drăghici (licence, UNATC Bucharest), "Earthquake in London", by Mike Bartlett, directed by Dora Dobrovszki (master's degree, Târgu-Mureș University of Arts) and "Richard III", after William Shakespeare, directed by Denisa Hălăngău (bachelor's degree, Faculty of Theater and Film, UBB Cluj-Napoca).

In addition to these, there will be other shows, debates and, at the end of the festival, the party already known in the Craiova area, Disco TNC "Nicu Răducanu".
Disco TNC `84 | Disco Nicu Răducanu

The TNT Festival in Craiova, a non-competitive one - focusing rather on dialogue and meetings between participants - has become, in recent years, a real platform for knowledge, exchange of ideas and interdisciplinarity, offering young artists in the field the opportunity to launch themselves and make their voices heard. At the same time, the public can have direct contact with their artistic vision, which is important considering that the art created and offered to a passionate and open public has much greater weight and importance for the creator.

Access to TNT events is based on reservations, on https://tncms.ro/ , with the exception of the closing event, Disco TNC, where you can enter based on a ticket purchased on the same website.

Theater Networking Talents (TNT) is organized by the "Marin Sorescu" National Theater in Craiova and the Arts and Media Department of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Craiova, with the support of the financiers: the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education and the Dolj County Council.

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